Chic children Rooms Decorating Ideas

I think that the kids’ rooms should be funny and beautiful. I can understand those who are trying to put their kid into a dull room. But usually funny and beautiful and bright rooms cost a lot, not everybody can afford it. But designer Carrie McBride.
Posted by chic

Fancy Oak Dining Table and Chairs Furniture

Contraforma’s Pixel is a cutting edge design and traditional material, solid oak, implemented in one dining set. It’s made only of oak but consists of a lot of small pieces of this material. For example, each dining table requires more than 2000 small.
Posted by chic

One linen closet down

Hello all! How are ya?! If you were anywhere in…well…the country a couple of weeks ago…you were most likely getting some wicked crazy weather. We certainly did. The temps here have been in the 40’s and high 50’s this week, and we STILL have three inches.
Posted by chic

COLOR! (in the living room)

First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day my SQUEEZIES! :) Hope you had a great one. I’ve been working on some changes in our living room over the last couple of weeks, and I’m nowhere near close to done, but I just couldn’t wait to show you! I am LOVING.

Giveaway Weekend!

Hello there! I’m back with another great giveaway this weekend, and it’s one of my favorites. My friend Beki of The Rusted Chain is not only funny, pretty and sahweeeet…but she’s also super talented. I like her a lot. (Said like Lloyd Christmas.) .
Posted by chic

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